Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Winter Project, Baby and Kid Hats

Being stuck in the house all winter always proves to be quite an interesting experience. I am always looking for something to keep me busy and having both boys gone at school for half a day has made having projects even more important. This winter I have retaught myself how to knit and this has expanded in to making hats for my sons, nephews and of course friends children. Well I have provided hats to all of the kids I personally know so now I am starting to make hats as part of my home made and hand made business Wild Geranium Hollow Farm. Here are a few pictures of the hats that I have on hand. Well the pictures that Elwood would allow me to take. He was more interested in getting pictures of Lucy and him than he was of making the hat look nice. I am going to work on getting the boys to show off the hats a little more when they are willing models.
 The hats are made out of anything you would like from 100% organic wool to alpaca and the price will reflect that quality. All you need to do is tell me what color you are looking for and what you would like the hat made out of. I can find basically anything that you could want. (well within reason) Before I make the hat I will tell you the price of the wool and then I add $25 for me to knit the hat. Shipping is always extra but the hats are light as a feather so that is never much.

  If you are interested in ordering a hat or have any questions about the hats please feel free to check out my website:  If you look for the baby and child hats page there is a contact form. I love questions and love to hear feedback from everyone.

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