Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Birdhouses in Winter

 I decided to take a little walk this morning since it was so beautiful outside, yeah 31 degrees is beautiful in Wisconsin on the last day of January. As I was walking around I decided to take a few pictures to show how my birdhouses are doing throughout the winter weather. Here is one of my gargoyle houses that still has the house wren nest in its mouth.
 This little goober was the home for a tree frog all summer. I wish I had taken a picture of him (or her) sitting looking out the mouth of the birdhouse. One day while I was walking down the fence line I could swear I heard a baby bird crying out for help, so I spent a good hour going threw the grapevines below the birdhouse looking for the "baby bird"  Then I looked up and it was a little tree frog peeping away from inside the mouth. I was relieved, the cats out "helping" me look for the baby bird were not as excited as I was.
This cute little wren house was totally surrounded by grapes this summer. As you can see the leaves are all off and you can still see the vines growing up and around the bird house. I can't wait till spring comes again and the grapes come back to life. I will upload some pictures of our grapes that I took last summer, they really make the birdhouses look even better. These look so cold and sad.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

New addition to the farm

I figured this would be an appropriate first post to our new farm blog since its a new beginning for Lucy!

Meet Lucy the newest addition on the farm. We adopted her from the Adams County Animal Shelter. She is a English Fox Hound. She has proved to be a wonderful addition to the family. Having never had a dog of the hound variety I'm sure that this is going to be a learning experience. She already follows her nose before anything else. She gets along great with Sheldon our lab, they wrestle around which has been giving Hemi our little 5 lb miniature rat terrier a well deserved break. I can't wait to see how she is going to react to the goats. Right now there is far to much snow to get her down to the fence line. She is happy just to run around on the plowed trails that Tommy has made for her with the tractor. One spoiled little girl! Daddies little angel already.

I took Lucy down to the chicken coop with me for the first time last night and she was not too sure about them. I'm sure she will get used them, but the second the guinea hens started calling she tucked her tail and ran.